Sorry I got behind, but I had a morning to evening schedule (and lots of I 95 traffic due to construction) at a preaching conference that I attended in Philly. I read on Wed, but didn't blog - didn't do either yesterday. My advice to you is that if you miss a day or more, read the correct reading for the day and THEN go back and catch-up - in that way you won't have days of being behind and not caught up and get discouraged. STAY CURRENT as much as possible. Now to the reading...
Notice the dating provided on the left column in your reading. The Israelites finally move after almost 14 months camped at Mt. Sinai. Keep an eye on the dating throughout your reading. Also notice, this author estimates a date 1445 BC. This is called the "early dating" of the Exodus. There is a late dating that has this event about 200 years later. I am not an expert, but I teach an early dating based on my study. For us non-scholars just trying to get through a strong walk with Christ, this issue doesn't matter much.
Make note of the trumpets and their significance. Toward the end of the year, when we get in Paul's writings, trumpets will again be used by God in the end times. Come back to here and see the connections later or check out Mt. 24:31; I Cor. 14:8; 15:52; I Th. 4:16; Heb. 12:19, and in a number of places in the Book of Revelation. The trumpet signals here are "types" of trumpet blasts in the end of times - but what do both signify? Watch for the many types in the OT that prefigure what will come in greater fulfillment.
The cloud and fire (an image of God) led the people. Does God lead you in your comings and goings or do you determine your own path? Ponder the imagery and teaching that God is trying to teach us here for our use. We are to look for Christ's leading for our church. Calvary Church should follow Christ, not me, not our tradition, not what is comfortable. The Holy Spirit indwelling each of us allows us as a body to to determine Christ's leading. People are not infallible, but Christ is. Membership allows you to help us discern our way. Elders in the future will lead us on a day to day basis - after discerning Christ's direction - not theirs. The primary Christ leads us is by His Word.
Moses couldn't do it alone - he needed help. I can not lead our church alone. I need help, too - qualified and committed elders - and qualified and committed ministry leaders and small group leaders - a healthy church leadership!
On eof my favorite verses of Scripture concerning the provision of God - "Is the LORD's arm too short?" Note, when you complain about what you have, you are rejecting the LORD!
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