Wednesday, June 12, 2013

June 13 Joel - A Call to Repent

The Prophet Joel tells the people that the cloud of locusts that has enveloped and ravaged the land is from the LORD - a punishment for their sin. Joel urges the people to repent or an army from the north will come upon them like an army of locusts to cover the land and ravage it.

Then Joel looks forward to the coming of the Messiah when the Holy Spirit will be poured out on all men and women who call on the LORD. At that point in redemptive history, only certain people were empowered by the Holy Spirit. When the Messiah comes, all believers will be. Peter quoted this section of Joel in Acts 2 to explain the giving of tongues at Pentecost.

But Joel continues on to warn all people of the coming final judgment. It will be a dreadful day for all who do not call on the LORD to be saved.

In Joel 1:13ff, Joel calls for a fast, a holy assembly, and crying out to the LORD for mercy. Fasting is an important Christian discipline that has been greatly overlooked. It is talked about often in the Bible and not really administered. I think it has been overlooked because it is hard and because it is not commanded. Too many people are driven by what they are commanded to do, but not enough by what they see godly believers do in the Bible. Wee, too many times ask, "What must I do?" instead of "What can I do?"

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