Job is dismayed at the discouragement that his "friends" bring him. Job calls them "miserable comforters."
What kind of comforter are you?
Job contends in Chapter 16, "But my mouth would encourage you; comfort from my lips would bring you relief." This sure sounds like a grace-filled Christian to me. We are called to be great encouragers - great boosters to others - cheerleaders! We must start with our own families - telling our spouses that we appreciate them - we love them - thanking them for all that they are and do for us and others. We must appreciate our children - not being condemners, but being great encouragers who build them up and remind them all that they do right. Correction and discipline can be accepted more readily if counter-balanced with the life-giving encouragement most of the time.
We should extend the same grace of thank-yous and appreciation and complements to those we work with, friends, neighbors, and extended family. it is really easy to find things to be thankful for in others.
So, why don't we do this so much? The problem lies within us - we envy, we have jealousy, we are insecure and think that if we build up others that our own self-image is diminished - however, the opposite is true.
I have had my share of discouragers in my life - the only time that they give me feedback is when it is negative. These people are joy-robbers and rather poor friends. I really don't enjoy being around them and dread meetings with them. You have people like them in your life, too. Their negative feedback may always be true and helpful, but it is hard to endure.
Let this never be true of any of us. It is easy to be an encourager. Buy a pack of greeting cards and look for occasions to send them out to say thank you, I appreciate you for _______. Tell the people around you that you appreciate that they ____________. Make it a habit. Let the world know what grace looks like - the kind of grace we have all received from God.
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