I am drawn to David's conversations to God moreso than the narrative. In Psalm 52, David compares himself to an olive tree. We tend to keep reading. Don"t!! Find out what an olive tree is like. It is one of the most hardy living things on this planet - it can live thousands of years and withstand all kings of calamities. In the house of God - in relationship to God - David is like an olive tree!
In Psalm 62, David says:
- My soul thirsts for You
- Your love is better than life
- I think of You through the watches of the night.
I want my relationship with God to be like that. Read Psalm 63 again and hold your relationship with God up to David's. How are you doing? What or who are you trusting? David trusted only in God.
In Psalm 54, David says, "the LORD is the one who sustains me." I want to live like I believe this.
In Psalm 57, David says, "My heart is steadfast." Be assured that it is nothing in David that makes him steadfast - it is all God - "For great is Your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the sky."
Get to know God like David did and we can have the same relationship. It wasn't about David!!!!!!!
I agree, I really liking the integration of the psalms with the story in these last few readings. It really gives a good picture of some of the hardship that David is going through, yet how he always turns to God and gives him praise. It's really uplifting....and a great example to follow.