The people of Israel wanted a king like the nations around them. So God gave them Saul - the biggest man in Israel (but unwilling to take on the biggest of the Phillistines, Goliath), good looking, self-centered, prideful, and angry. But he turned out to be unspiritual, which is what God wants. So God rejects Saul and picks David. Even Samuel fell into the outward appearance trap at first. God had to remind him that the heart of a king is what makes him a good or bad king. So God chooses David, young and ruddy.
This should be a good corrective for us when we have to choose people - spouse, business partner, pastor, elders, other church leaders, etc. Choose people with a heart for God.
Do you work out to look good? Do you eat right to stay trim? Do you go to college to get a good job? All those things are of earthly vale and worthy of our doing. But shouldn't reading our Bible, being in fellowship (for the purpose of building each other up) with other Christians, and cooperating with the Holy Spirit to be transformed infinitely more important? It should be!
Since today is Easter - a day of resurrection to new life - wouldn't this be a great day to properly arrange your priorities?
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