Monday, May 20, 2013

May 19 Various Proverbs - Are You Without Sin

Proverbs 20:9 is "Who can say, 'I have kept my heart pure; I am clean and without sin'"? The writer of the proverb knows the answer is "no one." Until a person understands that they are impure and sinful - and doesn't dismiss their problem as small compared to others - they is no innate need for a Savior. Their faith is on their own "relative" self-righteousness. But when a person comes to grip with their own depravity as compared to God - - their Judge - not other even more sinful humans - then they are open to searching for a savior to their sin problem.

We don't ever try to offend anyone, but at some point, when we witness to others, a loving confrontation to their sin problem needs to occur - as a fellow sinner. One 's own sin and the truth of hell are not pleasant truths - nonetheless they are truths! Loving a person involves telling them the truth - hopefully after we have earned their trust.

Without our sin problem - we don't need a savior. Sharing the Good News, unfortunately requires us to share the Bad News - because without the Bad News, the Good News isn't really good news.

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