Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 3 Psalm 119 God Special Revelation of Himself - His Word, the Bible

Psalm 119 is the longest of the Psalms and is an acrostic. Most Bibles break the Psalm into sections labelled with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Every verse in each section begins with that particular Hebrew letter. The psalmist forced himself to write Hebrew poetry with that restriction.

This psalm is a collection of prayers and meditations on the Holy Word of God. The psalmist is a persecuted man because of his beliefs, yet the Word of God was his strength. The Word of God is referred to by 10 synonyms. They are:

  1. Law
  2. Word
  3. Saying/promise
  4. Command/commands
  5. Statutes/decrees
  6. Judgment/laws
  7. Precepts
  8. Testimony/statutes
  9. Path
  10. Way
This psalm can be read over and over to ask ourselves, "Is this the way I feel?" about the psalmist's assertions. For example, in Ayin, the psalmist says, "Because I love your commands more than gold, more than pure gold and because I consider all your precepts right, I hate every wrong path" [as identified in God's Word]. Spend some time and determine if you agree with this intellectually. Then spend some time to determine if what you say and do confirms what you say and believe. Does your time management choices affirm your belief? Does the way you spend your money affirm your belief? Does the way you expend your talents affirm your belief? Does what you pray about and daydream about affirm your belief?

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