Many people are preoccupied (like I used to be) with end times prophecy - trying to understand exactly how every detail will unfold and trying to discern how close we are to its coming. But the more you try to get into the detail, the hazier it becomes. There are many good, but conflicting, interpretations of the details.
But there are a few things that we all agree on - Jesus will return in bodily form, there will be a final judgment with some heading to eternal life with Christ and others to eternal death with Satan apart from God. Since we don't know when this occurs, we must listen carefully to Jesus' exhortations - to continue doing God's work - because Jesus may come sooner than we expect - but be faithful - because His coming may be a long way off.
When it comes to end times prophecy - be ready for Jesus' return - or your death for that matter as it may come before Jesus' return - by faithfully carrying out the will of the Lord - like He might come back in a couple of days or in a thousand years. Whatever you do, do NOT put off your faithfulness one minute.Don't let Jesus' return - or your death - catch you unprepared.
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