Jesus talked about the yeast of the Pharisees. A pinch (very small amount) of yeast will cause bread to rise. The analogy is a good one that most people miss.
Jesus and the Pharisees both believed wholeheartedly in the Old Testament. They totally agreed on the books and what was taught. However, they did have some differences in theology that put them at odds. The crux of their disagreement was over the question, "What must I do to be saved?" Jesus taught faith alone; the Pharisees taught faith plus works (as they defined them). The Pharisees were leading people to hell.
So what about today. Protestants who are Biblical Christians share the Bible with Roman Catholicism, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Mormons. Biblical Christians teach faith alone saves. The others all teach faith plus works saves. The works that save are different among each of them. But like Pharisees, Roman Catholicism holds their church tradition equal to the Bible; Mormons hold the Book of Mormon equal.
The bottom line is this - faith plus works gospel messages are false - even if they are based on the Bible. The essential yeast that Jesus is talking about is the addition of works to the salvation equation.
Are there people who take on the name Roman Catholic, but reject the addition of works to faith for salvation? Yes. Are they saved? Most likely? Are they immersing themselves in a lot of error by continuing to be part of Roman Catholicism? Most definitely!
Is there any yeast in your loaf? Jesus told us to "Beware."
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