Thursday, February 28, 2013

Mar 1 Every Biblical Detail Is Important

In Numbers, there is an account of the daughters of Zelophehad who wanted their father's inheritance because they had no brothers. Moses inquired of God who said yes. This command is why Jesus has the right to the land. Scripture does not indicate that Mary had any brothers, so the land of her father would pass through her to Jesus, her 1st born.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Feb 28 The Principles Behind the Laws

When God issues a law like do not steal, think about what He is saying about Himself and us.

About God:

  • He wants us to have what we have earned
  • He will provide what we need
About us:
  • We have a propensity to steal
  • We have a propensity to envy and covet what others have
  • We have a propensity to laziness
Try this exercise on every command of God.

Feb 27 Laws of Government, Judicial System

The king was never to think himself better than his brothers. We bring this principle forward to New testament elders who should be servants and not lord it over others. Jesus Himself washed the feet of His Apostles. The king was also to WRITE a part of the Bible everyday. To lead, we all must be in God's word everyday.

Deuteronomy 19:16-21 gives a tremendous insight into the mind of God. If someone gives false testimony about a crime in an effort to falsely accuse another, then that person will get the penalty for that crime. This is a big deterrant to perjury. More importantly, God is telling us about how much He values justice and truth.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Feb 26 Deuteronomy 23, Numbers 6, Leviticus 27 Illustrating Holiness

Much of today's readings have to do with separation, with is what holiness is all about. Holiness is about being "other" - set apart for God. God is wholly "other." There is no one or no thing comparable to God. We are to be separated from the pollution of this world - in the world (to help redeem it), but not of the world (one its own).

Deuteronomy 23:23 is an important principle to bring forward to the present - whatever we say we will do, we must be sure to do - let our yes be yes and our no be no. If we commit to be somewhere to do something at a specific time, we should be there on time and do it well. God keeps all of His promises. If we are to be holy like Him, we should keep all of our promises.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Feb 25 Leviticus 12, 14-15: Numbers 19 Ritual Purity Illustrates Spiritual Purity

The various purity regulations illustrate our need for spiritual purity in thought, word, and deed. Next Sunday, I will preach on one aspect of purity - sexual purity - when God says, "keep the marriage bed pure." The symbolism in these purity regulations helps us understand how we are to be set apart from the culture by the way we honor the institution of marriage and the importance of a pure marriage bed. Meditate on these OT regulations in preparation of next Sunday's teachings from Hebrews 12:28-13:4.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Feb 24 Leviticus 21-22, 25 No Systemic Poverty

Through the Jubilee and the laws surrounding it, the LORD devised a means to prevent systemic poverty. We are not told in the Bible that one Jubilee was celebrated. That is why we see many rich people and many poor people in Israel's history.

Although the Jubilee concept is non-transferable to our society, there is a transferable truth - God is against systemic poverty. We need to be committed to provide some relief to our poor brothers and sister, but more importantly, transfer knowledge and skills to help them overcome poverty and become self-sufficient. We need to do this one person at a time.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Feb 23 Leviticus 5-7 Without Blemish or Defect

Sacrifices to the LORD were to be made without blemish or defect. The LORD would not accept animals that were defective and of lesser value to the owner.

In the same way, God wants our best. When we serve Him, He wants our best effort - not our leftover time, not something trown together because we are too busy with other pursuits. He doesn't want our leftover money - He wants His payment first.

In these ways, we show God how much we love Him and that He is 1st in our lives.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Feb 22 Leviticus 3-7 Guilt for Unintentional Sins

It is very interesting that God ordains sacrifice for sins committed unknowingly or because of ignorance. When the offense comes to the attention of the Israelite, he is to make a sacrifice for the sin.

I think we learn that God holds us accountable for all sin. Ignorance is not a defense. This is why we should study the Bible to learn God's will to enlighten ourselves. Also, when we inadvertently hurt someone with our words or actions, when we become aware of the offense, we are to reconcile.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Feb 21 Leviticus 1-6, Numbers 15 The Awfulness of Sin

The descriptions of the various sacrifices can be tedious. Hang in there - we will get through them. Again, every detail can have significance.

Notice how gross it is for the person giving a burnt offering in atonement for his sin - it is totally gross - the hide, the guts, and all of the blood, not to mention slitting its throat! Our sin is that awful to God. Dwell on that thought. Also, these sacrifices would have been very expensive to offer for their sin. So, is the offering of God (Jesus) for our sin. Think about that.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Feb 20 Leviticus 23, Deuteronomy 16, Numbers 28-29 The Feasts of Israel All Point to Christ

For the Jew, the appointed feasts point mainly to historical events, but for the Christian, the feasts point ahead to Christ. Nearly every detail of the feasts pre-figure the significance of Christ.

As we work through the Book of Genesis this year, we will celebrate each of the feasts by preaching on them and their significance to us. This week, I will preach on the Feast of Purim, not an appointed feast of Moses. On March 24th, I will preach on the Passover.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Feb 19 False Prophets Might Do Miraculous

God may choose to allow Satan to use the miraculous to test God's people. We should know that the miraculous is a snare if the enticement is to follow another God (or person). We have been warned!

Note how God feels about His name being blasphemed. How casually we curse God today due to lack of fear of God. However, His commandment has been given to instruct us, even warn us.

God expects us to give Him our 1st and our best in our giving to support the work of the Levites (local church in today's context). Not the leftovers. Andy Stanley says our priorities are often shown below, but this is not God's direction:

  1. spend (on ourselves)
  2. pay debts (what we over spent on ourselves)
  3. pay our taxes (self-protection)
  4. Save (for ourselves)
  5. Give (if anything is left)
Our priorities in money management speak volumes about our spirituality - temporal vs. eternal, trusting God, etc. This is why tithing is embedded in the section on worship in Deuteronomy.

Exodus 34:21 gives a very interesting insight into the reasons for the Sabbath - no plowing or harvesting can be done on Sabbath Days. Taking a day of rest in seven is needed for our own well-beings. But there is also an element of trusting God for our sustenance. 

Feb 18 Religious and Ceremonial Laws Have Their Place

We will be reading over 600 various laws given by Moses over the next days. This can become tedious. However, look for the character of God in these laws.

Today, God wants ALL worship. People who worship other gods displease God greatly - then and today. It was a serious offense to worship another god in the covenant community of Israel. Anyone doing this could lead others astray - perhaps generations. Sin almost never remains a private affair. Others are almost always swept into sin's vortex.

Notice who were the 1st to be involved in the execution of others - the accuser(s). Think about those implications!

Notice also, that the tithe (tenth of everyone's increase) was an integral part of everyone's worship. This is still true, today.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Feb 17 Deuteronomy 9-11 Grace, Obedience, More Blessing

In these chapters, you can see a supernatural law at work. The people are blessed to be chosen by God among the peoples of the world. They were not chosen because they were more numerous or more righteous than others.

God promised that if they obeyed Him, even more blessings would follow. In Chapter 11, material blessing would come from rain. Israel is located on the backside of a desert. When it rains in season, the increase of the land is plentiful. When it doesn't rain, there is famine. God tied the rain to their obedience.

God first chose us to. He gave us His Son for forgiveness, certainly not because we were deserving. And as we obey, we are given more grace and blessing. But God's grace in our times is not always in material blessing, but sometimes in eternal blessings and contentment.

The Israelites were put in a geographical place where they were dependent on the material blessings of God to not only thrive, but in many circumstances just to survive. We are to live our lives in the same way - always dependent on God! He is the ultimate source of every good thing we have. We, like the Israelites, are called to live a life of dependent faith.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Feb 16 Deuteronomy 5-8 Godliness to Come From a Strong Family

There is much to commend in these writings, but I would like to focus on the importance of family in God's economy. Believers must marry each other. God clearly warns - again- and this isn't the last of the warnings -  that an unbelieving spouse tends to pull the believer away from God. Why is this? Remember the Garden. Our sin nature naturally pulls us toward independence from the true God. The primary way that godliness is to be passed on to the next generation is through the parents. This is a difficult task made much more difficult when both parents aren't godly believers. The basic unit of God's kingdom is the family.

As the family has broken down in America, so has Christianity. As a church, we must do extra to help broken families teach God and His ways to the next generation. We need committed men and women who want to help. If our children can't get godly role models at home, let's help them get some at church. It would be even better to help ungodly parents to become godly and to encourage them to do their correct job of godly parenting.

Be there for your family now - or for your future family - and for maybe some others in the church.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Feb 15 Deuteronomy 1-4 The God Who Invades Our Time and Space

Secular humanists and naturalists either deny the existence of God or deny that He supernaturally "invades" our time and space. But the 1st 4 chapters of Dt. reminds us that God surely does! Moses reminds the Israelites the God made the starry hosts, so it is crazy and blasphemous to worship them. Moses reminds the people of all the mighty acts of God in Egypt and in the desert. The LORD (Yahweh) is the only God - "There is no other."

Moses establishes God as the One who has chosen the Israelites and who has brought them to the border of the Promised Land. God has shown Himself worthy of worship and obedience. Moses reminds the people of his disobedience and their forefathers'. He warns the people of the dire consequences of further disobedience.

I hope that you read these chapters and feel the awesomeness of God. He is worthy of our worship and obedience. "There is no other."

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Feb 14 Numbers 27, 32-35 Disobeying God Has Implications for Generations

Next Sunday (Feb 24th), we will celebrate Purim by reading through the Book of Esther. Haman, the bad guy in the story, turns out to be an Agagite, a descendant of the king of the Amalekites. As we read today, the Israelites were supposed to obliterate the Amalekites by God's fiat. Remember, they were the first to attack the Israelites when they left Egypt. Saul, was finally given the order from God to destroy them and he did not. 1,000 years later, Haman hatches a plot to wipe out the Jews. God had to intervene to save the Jews.

These incidents point out that our sins have long term impacts on others. Sin is not a private affair. Eventually, our irresponsibility will affect others.

Throughout the wanderings, we have seen the importance of family, clan, tribe, and community/nation to God . To love others, we must refrain from sin, no matter how much of a private affair that we think it is.

Feb 14 Numbers

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Feb 13 Numbers 26 What Do I Do With The Lists?

The Bible contains a number of genealogies and other lists. ALL Scripture is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so what do I glean from this list?

  • God makes good on his judgments - not one was left from the 1st census, except Joshua and Caleb, just like God promised. So, heed God's warnings.
  • Rebellion against the LORD is highlighted. So, follow Him and His precepts.
  • Every person and family is important to God. So, you are valuable and so is your family.
What can you think of?

Monday, February 11, 2013

Feb 12 Numbers 25, 31 Personal Relationships

Some of the Israelite men were enticed by the Midianite women into having sex with them - then worshiping the women's false gods. Please take of this recurrence throughout the Old Testament. Over and over again, having sex with or marrying those outside of faith in Yahweh (the LORD), ended in false worship.

Those of you who are single take note. Those of you who are parents take note. Marrying unbelievers is not what a godly follower of Christ does. Evangelistic dating is not a good practice. God wants godly children to result from all marriages. God wants you to be godly. It is very, very difficult to do when your spouse is an unbeliever.

We all must have unbelieving friends - so we can lead them to Christ. But having an unbelieving male friend is very different from having an unbelieving boyfriend. Your heart can lead you astray and get you to believe your own lies and justifications.

God wants two godly believers to marry and to help each other grow closer to Christ - and to each other. Marriage is already tough enough - don't make it tougher.

Now, some of you have already married unbelievers or you came to Christ after you married. The Bible gives clear advice - stay married - through your actions, prayers, and life - draw your spouse to Christ.

Stay tuned, the Bible will say a lot more about this issue.

Oh yeah, just because a person says they are a Christian, doesn't automatically make them a good marriage partner.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Feb 11 Numbers 22-24 Trying to Manipulate God for Our Own Gain

Please notice that Balak kept moving Balaam around. He would sacrifice at a different place hoping to get the LORD placated and to change His mind. The pagan mindset was that the gods could be manipulated through sacrifice. Pagans wanted the gods to bless what they wanted.

We as Christians seek to do God's will. We pray to seek His will for our lives and know that God is not like a man that changes his mind.He is sovereign and knows best. We are given a new mindset at rebirth.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Feb 10 Numbers 20-21, 33 God's Chosen Must Represent God Well

The great sin of Moses at Meribah should cause anyone who represents God in a leadership role (parents included) to pause and ponder. Moses made it sound like it was he who was doing the miracle (not God) and Moses did so in anger. The text does not say God was angry. Moses misrepresented God.

Pastors and elders especially (but all leaders including parents) must remember they represent God at all times. We must do it well and by our speech and action, God must be shown to be holy. There is a more global application to "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord, thy God in vain." When we take on the name, Christian, we are taking on the name of Christ. We represent Him and and His work every minute of every day. Think about that! As we get more and more leadership authority, more and more is expected of us. Check out James 3:1 - teachers will be judged more severely.

At this point, I recommend that you google, "Exodus wanderings map." You should have an idea about the geography that you are reading about.

You should also realize that the Bible text is silent about 38 plus years of the wanderings. We are now picking up the action as the Israelites are conquering peoples just before taking the Promised land.

Feb 9 Numbers 16-18 Holiness of God's Chosen and Their Support

Certain people questioned the choice (God's) of Aaron as High Priest. That questioning was seen by God as an act of rebellion against God. There is an important principle that we should take forward to our church. It should be God's idea to add an elder or pastor and it is the Holy Spirit who is to choose him. How is that done today? It is done by the children of God committed to the church through membership who are to fast and pray and collectively determine (vote) to decide. Because each believer has the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit can speak through the people. Each person must be sure that they are searching God's will, not their own. Once chosen, the elder or pastor must be respected as God's chosen to lead. Over-ruling an Elder Council decision should be done with much prayer as should the decision of the Elder Council! The church belongs to Jesus - not the elders, not the congregation.

Tithing is introduced to the people of Israel to support the Levites - those who will minister before the LORD. All of the people are to tithe - giving one tenth of all of their increase to the Levites. All should tithe and it is to be 10% of the gross, not the net. It is to be the people's first fruits and their best. Giving to the Levites is tantamount to giving to the LORD. Carrying these principles forward - we should give 10% of our gross income to our local church. Some people think tithing is another word for giving - it isn't - tithing means to give 10% of your increase - income and all other increases like gifts, inheritances, etc. Some people think it means 10% should be all charitable giving. That is not the principle here.

There will be more on tithing and charitable giving as we go along.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Feb 8 Numbers 12-14 Are You Like Joshua/Caleb or the Other 10?

Who reminds you of you? Do you obey the LORD wholeheartedly in the face of adversity or danger? Do you realize that whatever God calls or commands you to do that He is the power that will allow you to succeed? If you don't tithe to your local church, is it fear that keeps you holding onto "your" money? If you don't evangelize much or at all, is it because of fear? Do you really believe that Christ promised to be with you until the end of the age - or do you think that it is you that will convince people and you can't even convince yourself?

How much do you really trust in the power of God - versus how much do you depend on yourself - and how much do you fear other people? Who do you fear more - God or other people?

Are you afraid to tell your boyfriend, "No more sex!"? Are you afraid to break up with the girl that you know isn't right for you because you'll never find another woman who loves you? Is the LORD's arm too short?

Dwell on the Israelites' response at Kadesh Barnea and ask God for His power to overcome the giants in your life. Recognize that YOU CAN"T OVERCOME THEM!!!!!! But GOD CAN! See God and not the giants. Remember what gave Joshua and Caleb their courage - "The LORD is with us."

Feb 7 Numbers 9-11 Keep Your Eyes Open and Think Whole Bible

Sorry I got behind, but I had a morning to evening schedule (and lots of I 95 traffic due to construction) at a preaching conference that I attended in Philly. I read on Wed, but didn't blog - didn't do either yesterday. My advice to you is that if you miss a day or more, read the correct reading for the day and THEN go back and catch-up - in that way you won't have days of being behind and not caught up and get discouraged. STAY CURRENT as much as possible. Now to the reading...

Notice the dating provided on the left column in your reading. The Israelites finally move after almost 14 months camped at Mt. Sinai. Keep an eye on the dating throughout your reading. Also notice, this author estimates a date 1445 BC. This is called the "early dating" of the Exodus. There is a late dating that has this event about 200 years later. I am not an expert, but I teach an early dating based on my study. For us non-scholars just trying to get through a strong walk with Christ, this issue doesn't matter much.

Make note of the trumpets and their significance. Toward the end of the year, when we get in Paul's writings, trumpets will again be used by God in the end times. Come back to here and see the connections later or check out Mt. 24:31; I Cor. 14:8; 15:52; I Th. 4:16; Heb. 12:19, and in a number of places in the Book of Revelation. The trumpet signals here are "types" of trumpet blasts in the end of times - but what do both signify? Watch for the many types in the OT that prefigure what will come in greater fulfillment.

The cloud and fire (an image of God) led the people. Does God lead you in your comings and goings or do you determine your own path? Ponder the imagery and teaching that God is trying to teach us here for our use. We are to look for Christ's leading for our church. Calvary Church should follow Christ, not me, not our tradition, not what is comfortable. The Holy Spirit indwelling each of us allows us as a body to to determine Christ's leading. People are not infallible, but Christ is. Membership allows you to help us discern our way. Elders in the future will lead us on a day to day basis - after discerning Christ's direction - not theirs. The primary Christ leads us is by His Word.

Moses couldn't do it alone - he needed help. I can not lead our church alone. I need help, too - qualified and committed elders - and qualified and committed ministry leaders and small group leaders - a healthy church leadership!

On eof my favorite verses of Scripture concerning the provision of God - "Is the LORD's arm too short?" Note, when you complain about what you have, you are rejecting the LORD!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Feb 6 Numbers 3-4 Set Aside to the LORD

The LORD was meticulous in setting aside specific people for specific work. It took a large team to handle all of the duties necessary in moving and operating the Tabernacle. Even today, it takes a lot of people to handle all of the work of the church. Most people don't realize all that it requires to operate a church.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Feb 5 Numbers 1-2, 9 How Does This Explain Christ and the Cross?

I have been bloviating for over a month, so now I have a question for you? Please read Luke 24:26-27. Jesus says all the Scripture speak of Him. You tell me how today's readings do that?

We should be looking for Christ throughout the OT. Can you find Him?

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Feb 3 Leviticus 8-10 God Will Be Honored Before His People

Because of the proximity of the writings, it appears that Nadab and Abihu ministered in the Tabernacle drunk. Through their blatant disregard for the holiness of God, they made light of God before all the people.

At Calvary Church, we are getting more and more people involved in our Sunday Service. I have done my best to encourage people to be punctual, prepared, and passionate about their service involvement. God expects our best when we lead His people and represent Him before others.

That same attitude should carry over into all of our ministry service. God should never get our leftovers.

God's words from Leviticus 10 should be heeded:
Among those who approach Me
I will show myself holy
in the sight of all the people
I will be honored.

This doesn't appear to be a negotiable point.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Feb 2 Exodus 39-40 God Dwells in the Midst of His People

The Tabernacle and the cloud representing God in the midst of His people were to be reminders of Go's presence among the people. We don't have a tabernacle nor a visible cloud, but we are to remember that God is always in our midst. He walks with us minute by minute. Praise God for His presence with us celebrating with us and bearing our disappointments. May we all be led moment by moment by our covenant God. Remember Christ promising that He would be with us to the end of the age.