Saturday, August 31, 2013

September 1 Ezekiel 33-36 Not Putting Into Practice

God says, "for they hear your words, but do not put them into practice." They treat the prophecies as entertainment - not for learning. Every time we come to the Bible or listen to it being taught, we should feel conviction where we fall short. We should have godly sorrow, even mourning as James writes, that leads to repentance (a turning from our ways).

Sunday Services for too many people are a time of cultural observation and/or a type of "entertainment.' be that never for us - let it be a time of life transformation. Come to God's Word expecting and wanting to be transformed - and we will be.

Friday, August 30, 2013

August 31 Jeremiah 40-44 Never Learning

Oh...people who never learn...doing the same things over and over again, yet expecting different results. The people of Judah just got over run because of their idolatry and disobedience. Instead of returning to the LORD, they pursue an old idol - the Queen of the Universe (incidentally a Roman Catholic name for Mary, mother of Jesus, who they worship). In addition, their wickedness continues. Of course, God gives them the grace to choose life in the land or death in Egypt. Disbelieving, they chose to go to Egypt, where they will be killed by the sword as promised by God.

When disciplined by God, we need to adjust to God's will to avoid further discipline. We need to learn to repent when chastised - not just continue to sin. I see too many people who never learn - to their own destruction and to those around them.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

August 30 Lamentations 3-5 Stay on God's Good Side

The results of ongoing willful rebellion against God are horrific. What we read today is a snippet of what eternity will be like for those who reject Christ as savior. Every time we feel too lazy to share our faith or too scared, remember Lamentations - this is what that person is facing - for all eternity! To reject Jesus has devastating implications.

Somebody(ies) took the time and had the boldness to tell you about Christ. Pay the good deed forward. remember what is at stake.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

August 29 Lamentations 1-2 No One to Blame But Themselves

Lamentations laments the destruction of Jerusalem, but at the same time, laments its own responsibility for what has happened. In v. 1:18 "The LORD is righteous, yet I rebelled against His command." Jeremiah blames the prophets, "...they did not expose your sin to ward off your captivity. The oracles they gave you were false and misleading." Although prophets and priests were blamed specifically, all of the people were also blamed for their own sin. The common people had enough information to know that their prophets and priests were wrong. People just lived for the day they were in and did not consider the long term implications of their consequences - "Her filthiness clung to her skirts; she did not consider her future."

We all are held responsible for obeying God and following Him. Pastors, evangelists, teachers, and theologians are supposed to help us, but they are not the final word - the Word of God is - and it is readily available to all of us. We must study the word of God on our own. When we consider how we live day by day, we must consider our futures - there will be a Day of Judgment.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

August 28 II Kings 25; II Chronicles 36; Jeremiah 39-40 As He Promised

In Joshua, God said that He kept every promise He made to the Israelites. God made Abraham into a great nation, He redeemed the nation from Egyptian slavery, and God brought them to great victory in the Promised Land. Later, God promised that He would make David's line an everlasting kingship - if his sons obeyed. 

Throughout Israel's history, they disobeyed God. All of the kings of the Northern Kingdom displeased God and too many of those in Judah did as well. God warned them over and over to repent. Some did for a while, but then with Manasseh, the die was cast. False prophets were saying, "Peace, peace." God was warning about pending doom. Finally, Jerusalem falls - and even the unthinkable occurs - Solomon's Temple is destroyed.

God means what He says and says what He means. This should be an everlasting sign for all of us - that God is just - and He will carry out His punishment on those who rebel against Him. But more importantly, He will eternally bless those that honor Him. Even in the midst of punishment, God saves trustworthy Jeremiah. He will save those of us who are faithful when Christ returns to judge an unbelieving world and to gather His own true believers.

Monday, August 26, 2013

August 27 Jeremiah 37-38 Listening and Knowing, But Not Heeding

Zedekiah wants to know the truth from God - he appreciates and fears the ministry of Jeremiah - yet he doesn't listen. Herod did the same with John the Baptist - Herod knew John to be righteous and holy and liked to listen to him, but he did not heed John's godly advice. Why is it that we can be all around the truth, but not want to abide in it.

I believe all men are like this due to our sin nature. it is only through the ministry of the Holy Spirit that we can change - after we have been regenerated. I believe that Paul walks us through this in I Corinthians 2. Pray to receive Christ as Savior and receive the Holy Spirit - that's the only cure.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

August 23 Jeremiah 30, 31, 33 Proof for the Truth of the Bible: The Jewish People

In Jeremiah 31, God promises - "For the LORD will ransom Jacob (Israel) and redeem them from the hand of those stronger than they." God made good on that promise when Cyrus the Persian conquered Babylon and allowed the exiles to return to Israel and Jerusalem. Subsequent rulers even paid for the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem and supported the rebuilding of the Temple.

All of the ancient civilizations around Israel has faded and its peoples have disappeared as nations (Moab, Edom, Phillistia, etc.), but the Jews remain as a people and rebuilt on the land. There is no ancient nation that has been dispossessed of its land and can make that claim. God has promised throughout the Bible that He would keep a remnant of Jews always - and He has. The survival of the Jewish people is a reason that the Bible is true and is a recording of the very words of God Himself.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

August 22 Jeremiah 21, 32-34 Promise of Answered Prayer for Wisdom

In Jeremiah 33, God makes a promise to remember: "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things that you do not know." A similar promise is read in James 1 and other places, too.

God wants us to seek Him out and seek His wisdom.God does NOT want us to rely on our own wisdom. All of God's wisdom is already revealed and recorded for us in the Bible. God's will for our lives is laid out for us and is available for the taking.

Make use of God's wonderful gift. Whenever God's wisdom contradicts the world's wisdom, follow God's! And never, never follow your feelings. They will lead you astray.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

August 21 Ezekiel 24 To Not Mourn Over the Fall Of Jerusalem

Ezekiel is told to not mourn over the death of His wife - the "delight" of his eyes. The Israelites are to do the same over the "death" (conquest) of Jerusalem. God now considers that city vile and lewd and in total rebellion - with no hint of repentance. The people felt they were secure - the city would never fall because God's Temple was there.

God needed to show them that they should trust in Him, not some structure made by the hands of men. Let's learn from this and always trust in the living God - not a church building or a pastor or or a church government or denomination or whatever is constructed by humans. We need to trust in God and His word, ONLY!!!!!!

Monday, August 19, 2013

August 20 Ezekiel 23 Spiritual Adultery in God's Eyes

Today, we get a sexually graphic description of Israel and Judah's rebellion against God - to foreign powers and foreign gods. To say it is graphic would be an understatement. However, we get a God-s-eye view of what their rebellion looks and feels like to God. We also see the futility of it from Israel's and Judah's view.

Rebellion against God is lewd and distasteful. We need these descriptions from time to time to remind us that God alone is our "lover." He is our "husband," for us to be faithful to for all time.To do otherwise is like prostituting ourselves to other lovers who don't love us back.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

August 19 Ezekiel 19-22 Stand in the Gap

"I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none."

God is looking in all ages for people willing to stand in the gap - the sin that besets your house, your city, or your country. God expects His people to fill the gap to keep evil from getting in - to fight to save people from the ravages of evil. Don't be passive in this fight. There is a lot at stake.

Fight against evil in your house - in your workplace - in your city - in your country. You fight with the authority of Jesus Christ, Himself. If you are sitting home in your easy chair and comfortable - taking it easy in retirement - or keeping yourself insulated from the problems around you and minding your own business - then shame on you!!!! Put on the full armor of God and get involved in the fight. There is a gap in the wall and  the LORD is looking " for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land."

Saturday, August 17, 2013

August 18 Ezekiel 15-18 Forgetting God's Mercy and Grace

In our readings today, God chides the Israelites several times for not "remembering the days of your youth." He was referring to the election of Abraham as an idol worshiping pagan made into a great nation, redeemed from Egyptian bondage, and given the Promised Land. they forgot all that God did for them and how special they were treated.

Do we remember all that Jesus did for us on the cross? When we were saved, we were broken over our sinfulness and the grace and mercy of God to offer us the free gift of salvation. Then, we began our walk with God to be conformed into the image of His Son. Have we stayed on the path - ALWAYS remembering the days of our youth as baby Christians - remembering the grace and mercy of God in saving us.

God is telling us to NEVER forget the days of our youth - and all that He has done for us.

Friday, August 16, 2013

August 17 Ezekiel 12-14 God Does Not Punish Without Cause

Our reading today ends with, "You will be consoled when you see their conduct  and their actions [evil], for you will know that I have done nothing in it without cause, declares the Sovereign LORD." God exudes mercy and grace, but He is also a just God Who has limits to rebellious rejection and disobedience and evil. He has a commitment to His Name and also must consider consider the welfare of other people. At some point He takes definitive action.

For hundreds of years, the Israelites were disobedient to God. God sent discipline and prophets to warn. At this time in history, He has decided to send His nation into exile and to have His Temple destroyed as a permanent lesson for the Israelites - and to all other people. We should never presume upon the grace and mercy of God just because we think that we are "His people." There is a proper response to God's mercy and grace that suggests a true understanding of what a relationship with God means.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

August 16 Ezekiel 8-11 Get the Mark

"...but do not touch anyone who has the mark." Ezekiel saw a vision of what was to come to Jerusalem - a terrible judgment of physical death on all of the idol worshipers, but salvation from death of those who grieve over all of the idol worship - the true believers in the LORD (Yahweh). God would save a remnant of true believers.

God is doing the same now for all those who have been sealed by the Holy Spirit. The seal is given upon receiving Christ as savior. in the judgment to come, all who have rejected Jesus as savior will be sent off for eternal death - separation from God for all eternity. All who have received Christ will be with God for all eternity.

God's pattern has been set in the Old Testament for us to believe what God promises for the future.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

August 15 Ezekiel 1-7 Wrath of the LORD


Anyone who is not taken back by the LORD says He will do to Jerusalem and its inhabitants has to be stone-cold slow. The descriptions of what will come are downright scary and should cause anyone to rethink their own rebellion against God. Interspersed throughout the destruction is God reminding all that it is all well-earned retribution for their rebellion against God.

God charges them as being more evil than the pagan nations surrounding them. This reminds me of the US, known around the world as the largest "christian" nation in the world. In the same breath, the US is also recognized as the largest importer of smut around the world. The decadence and materialism of America is well chronicled. granted, the US is also the most generous nation in the world - at least that is what we tell each other.

Our behavior will be judged by God. Rebellion against God - rejecting His Son - living in unrepentant sin as defined by God - will result in everlasting punishment - worse than read about today.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

August 14 Jeremiah 34, 51 God Uses Evil to Chasten the Evil

God used the power-hungry Babylonians to chasten the Israelites who had rebelled against God and forsaken Him. Yet, the Babylonians engaged is many cruelties and pagan worship, so they themselves were evil. They would later be punished by God for their sinful behavior - though God used the Babylonians' sinful behavior to punish the sinful behavior of His people, Israel.

Sin from the rejection of God will never go unpunished.god will punish all - eventually - for rejecting Him.

The wicked only prosper - for a time!!!! In this life or the next - our just God will mete out what is due for rejecting Him and the sin that comes from that rejection. See Psalm 73 if you see evil prospering around you unpunished.

Monday, August 12, 2013

August 13 Jeremiah 50 Lost Sheep Because of Unworthy Shepherds

God refers to the Israelites as lost sheep. God blames their shepherds who led them astray. There is a message for sheep and shepherds - congregants and elders, respectively.

Congregants, choose your church wisely and take your time to let the teachings of the church and the practices of the church become apparent. I would allow 6 months or more to pass while you are weekly attendees. make sure that the church's statement of faith lines up with Scripture. Ensure that their teachings throughout the church line up with their statement of faith. Make sure that their practices line up with the statement.

Be engaged with the choosing of the church's elders. Get to know those who are proposed. Pray and fast for discernment if you are given the opportunity to vote on them. Be seeking the Holy Spirit's affirmation that the particular elder is being chosen by the Holy spirit.

Elders, as the church's shepherds, please take your responsibility seriously. You will be held to a high standard by Almighty God and you will be held to a degree for the souls for every member of the congregation.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

August 12 Jeremiah 23:9-40 Beware You "Prophet"

Teaching the Word of God is serious stuff. Giving spiritual advice is an awesome responsibility. Sharing a "word" or "prophecy" from God is not something that should be tossed around lightly. When we speak with the authority of God, people tend to listen with greater interest. We had better make sure that we are leading people toward God - toward His will - and not away. Be careful when you appear to speak for God. He will hold you and me accountable.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

August 11 Jeremiah 24, 27-29 Pray for Your City's Prosperity

Jeremiah tells the exiles, "Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper."

We should care about the place where we live. We should want our place of residence to thrive. We should actually pray for the prosperity of our city or town. If it prospers, we will be able to prosper. This is a word from the the LORD.

Let your public officials know that you are praying for them. It will create good will. pray for your local schools. The prosperity of your neighborhood is good for you - and for the Gospel to prosper.

Friday, August 9, 2013

August 10 II Kings 24; II Chronicles 36 Point of No Return

IN II Chronicles 36:12-16, we learn that things got so bad in Jerusalem that the people, "mocked God's messengers, despised His words." Please let your heart break for people that you know (and we all know some) that mock the gospel and the good news of Jesus Christ. Fall down on your knees and pray for them - that God would break their hearts and open their eyes to His Good News before it is too late. God can break even the most hardened heart, so don't give up. They are on a path to eternal destruction. Care about them and pray and don't be dissuaded by their mocking and despising of your message - it is not about you - it is about Who you represent. May your commitment be blessed.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

August 9 Jeremiah 22, 48-49 The LORD Holds All Accountable

It is very interesting that God uses pagan nation to chasten Israel in judgment. But then God holds the pagans accountable for their self-centered attitudes to ward Israel. God does use the evil of men to accomplish His good purposes. But God does not let the wicked go unpunished.

God holds everyone accountable for their actions. Although God may seem to be turning a blind eye to evil, He really never does. So as you look around to see the wicked prosper, remember that it is only for a season. God ultimately holds all accountable - even not in this life, certainly in the next. No one gets away with evil.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

August 8 Daniel 1-2 Resolving Not to Defile Ourselves

Daniel, a young man, possibly a teenager, had been removed from his home and exiled to a foreign land. He was stripped away from every thing he knew and now he was to be "Babylonian-ized." Yet, Daniel still clung to His God. He made a decision, still at a young age, not to defile himself. This decision would set the course for his life as a great man of God. Daniel was not really a great man of God, but rather a man of THE Great God.

Are you ready today to decide not to defile yourself with the pollution of this world - sexual immorality, violence, rage, insensitivity, self-promotion, etc. God is waiting to bless your decision. Do it today.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

August 7 Jeremiah 36; 45:1-5 No Fear and Wont to Be Free from Suffering

Jehoiakim cut up the word of the LORD in no fear. his decision was disastrous, for him, his descendants, and all of Judah. Likewise today, there is no fear of God's Word in our culture. There is also insufficient fear of God, even in the American Church. We can look around our culture and we can see the results of so many people not heeding God's Word.

But we should not ever think that because we do heed God's Word that life will be a stroll in the park. Living for Christ brings its hardships from persecution - living counter culturally - along with the trouble that comes from living under the curse. Baruch complained about the persecution and God answered, "Should you then seek great things for yourself?"

August 6 Jeremiah 25, 35 Listen to the LORD

God speaks to us through His Holy Spirit to our inner spirits; He speaks to us through other Christians; He speaks to us through events; God most assuredly speaks to us through His Holy Word. Listen!!!!!

We need to be open to hearing God speak to us through all of these sources. Then, we need to respond to His instruction - especially when He keeps speaking to us - He is trying to get our attention. His discipline and chastening will eventually come if we do not listen to His more gentle prompting.

What has God been saying to you over and over again? If you are in the midst of a trial, is He trying to get your attention because you have not listened? Be sensitive to what our loving God is saying.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

August 5 Habakkuk 1-3 Strengthening Faith

God strengthened my faith through Habakkuk one early morning in 2002. During the depths of my biggest challenge in life, God spoke to me through the verses at the end of Habakkuk about what strong faith in God looks like. From "though the fig tree does not blossom" to the end, I could see that my faith at the time was not what it should have been.

In the depths of my despair, God showed me that I was too focused on the issue and how it was going to be solved - through me or through natural means. I was not relying on the power of God nor recognizing His sovereign control over the situation. That morning, I resolved to put all my trust in God to handle the situation. That morning my "depression" hit bottom and began to pull upward day by day. The seriousness of the situation did not bottom out that morning, it continued downward. However, it did eventually bottom out and get resolved.

I had to learn what real faith looks like - that no matter how bad the circumstances around me get:
"Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior. The Sovereign LORD is my strength; He makes my feet like the feet of a deer, He enables me to go to the heights."

Saturday, August 3, 2013

August 4 Jeremiah 46-47 LORD Over All the Earth

The ancient pagans believed that every family and every country had their own gods that protected them. Today, people believe "whatever works for you!" Pluralism teaches that all religions are equally valid - which is close to what the ancients believer - there are many gods. Our more intellectuals will say there is only one god, that the different religions are just different ways of worshiping that one god. That is really an ignorant belief since all religions teach opposing truths about their god or gods compared to others. Opposing "truths" can't both be true.

The bottom line is that Biblical Christianity is the only way to worship the one, true and living God. He is the only God. All other gods are false. As Egypt and the Philistines found out, He is LORD over all the earth.

Friday, August 2, 2013

August 3 II Kings 23; Jeremiah 22:10-17; 26:1-23 How Much is Enough?

Jeremiah 22:10-17 says a lot about greed - gain at the expense of other's loss. Jeremiah's question is piercing - "Does it make you a king to have more and more cedar? Doe it make me successful to have a bigger and bigger house? Does it make me prosperous to drive an expensive foreign car? What is it that I really need materially to achieve my mission in life - To be a disciple who loves God and loves others that makes more disciples like me.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

August 2 II Kings 22-23; II Chronicles 34-35 Smashing Our High Places

After King Josiah actually read the Book of the Law (Genesis-Exodus-Leviticus-Numbers-Deuteronomy, the 1st 5 books of the Bible written by Moses, referred to as the Pentateuch), he was filled with godly sorrow for the sin of the nation. His godly sorrow led to repentance - all of the idolatrous altars and idols in the land were demolished and false worship was ended. The reading for today goes on for a long time about all of the cleansing of the land that was done.

What false worship and idolatry must be cleansed from your life? Your home? Your church? What "stuff" and what practices keep you from living totally for God?

  • Your TV
  • Your tech gadgets
  • Your boat or vacation home
  • Your business or career
  • Your education
  • Your dogs or other pets
  • Your children's education and/or recreation
Must I go on? None of these things are bad things. They only get bad when they interfere with the reason that you are really here on earth - to make other fully functioning disciples who make other disciples that love God and love others.

Remember, that your legacy of idol worship can be passed on for centuries. King Josiah (late 600's BC) smashed idols built by Solomon (late 900's BC).

Today is a great day to take stock of what your life is really about and to determine what legacy you are leaving behind.