Thursday, January 3, 2013

Even the Righteous are Less Than Perfect

January 3 Scripture describes over and over again what happens when godly people get unequally yoked with ungodly people - the ungodly win over the godly. I wish I could get young people and all unmarried people to heed the Bible's warnings in this area. I deal with far too many people who grieve over their decision to ignore Scripture's clear warnings. The lure of "beautiful" people!

Also, the Bible shows people as they are - even righteous Noah got drunk and had some sort of sexual sin. The Bible shows all families to be less than perfect. In this, God shows His grace and mercy - and man's need for a Savior.


  1. What struck me recently, was that if it weren't for Noah, God would have destroyed mankind. We wouldnt be here.

    God's heart was filled with pain and he was sorry and "grieved" that he had created man and all the other living things on the earth.

    I guess it never really registered with me that God in heaven, on his throne, the Creator, the Alpha and Omega can feel pain and be so fed up with the evil in men's hearts that he would destroy his whole creation.

    I knew that when he lived on earth in a human body, that he felt pain and suffered for mankind, but as the God of the universe, in his spiritual realm, knowing the beginning from the end I didn't realize that he has such "human" feelings. Do you know what I mean?

    Was Noah's family saved from the flood because of him? Do you think that they were righteous and blameless too?

    I'm thankful everytime I see a rainbow.

  2. Actually, our feeling as mankind are in the image of God's feelings. These are communicable attributes of God to man. We are designed to have feelings like God.

    God saved Noah's family because He was blameless. Yet, as we see, not sinless! God saved Noah and his family because GOD was merciful and gracious. Noah (or anyone) being saved was more about God than Noah.
