Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Jan 8 Gen. 20-21 Fear Causes Abraham to Sin

Abraham, a great man of faith, feared King Abimelech, so Abraham had Sarah lie/withhold the truth about their marriage. Had God not intervened, the results would have been disastrous. Fear (not trusting in God's promises) led to Abraham's weakness - his default sin - deception. We all have our weaknesses - our default sins. Abraham will pass on his deceptive ways to his children and grand children - stay tuned - a family weakness.

So what is each of our default sins that emanates out of our weaknesses  We all have them. Remember, all sin is really a distrust of God and His ways as being best for us.

Note that the Bible never paints people - even those of great faith - as sinless perfection. Jesus is the only ultimate model for us.

As a personal sidelight for me is the dispute over water - a very precious commodity in the Mideast and all over the world. Many of the struggles in the Mideast over boundaries and land has got to do with water rights - though hardly ever talked about in news reports. In a previous career, I was in the water treatment industry and delivered a keynote address at a water conference approximately 15 years ago about the coming worldwide shortage of clean drinking water and sewage. Its here!!!!


  1. Is this the last we hear about Hagar? Just curious, it seems like the promise is made that Ismael would be spared but nothing seems to be said about her.

  2. Actually, Hagar gets a mention in Gen 25:12 and then she is discussed by Paul in Galatians 4. See if you get Paul's argument there.

  3. seems to be emphasizing the difference between the spiritual world and the earthly world. Hagar represents people trying to do thing under their own power (which won't work out too well in the end) vs. Sarah who represents doing things Gods way and according to his plan (which works out better in the end)

  4. Hagar represents slavery to the Law which does not bring freedom, where Sarah represents grace that does bring freedom form sin. Paul is arguing against works salvation.
