Monday, October 28, 2013

October 29 Matthew 13, Mark 4 Yielding 100 Times

Since being a Christian, going to seminary, and being a pastor, I have been in, read, and listening to many debates about the meaning of the four soils in the Parable of the Sower - namely how many of the four are saved. What I have not heard debated is how one can yield 100 times versus 60 or 30. I don't know about you, but if I have my choice I would like to be a Christian who delivers the maximum yield for Christ. Perhaps, this is just a desire from my carnal side to achieve, perform, or be successful. I hope it is more that I want to please my god who has blessed me in so many ways. When coming to the Parable of the Sower, let's focus on being a fruitful soil as possible.

But why is it that so many so-called Christians are satisfied with being minimally fruitful for the kingdom. One reason is that they are a lot of people inhabiting churches who profess salvation, but really aren't. I think there are others who have one foot in the world and one foot (or maybe a toe or two) in the Kingdom.

Saints, think about what you must do to become 100 fold fruitful for the kingdom - don't be satisfied with 30 or even 60. Christ is worth it.

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