Thursday, May 16, 2013

May 17 Various Proverbs - People Pleasing

Proverbs 29:25 warns against being more concerned with people pleasing rather than trusting in the LORD. Living our lives doing what will please the people around us will be a snare. People pleasing is a cruel task master. It is a monster whose appetite is never fulfilled. It is also a beast whose mind changes.

We must remember that people are by nature selfish - most concerned with themselves.

We must also remember that God is pure - always knowing best - always leading us into the right things to do - which are not always the popular thing to do. People pleasing takes our eyes off of God and can get us way off balanced. People will never be truly pleased - that attitude will wear us out AND lead us to never be satisfied.

People pleasing is at its root - self-centered in ourselves. Our God is the affirmation of others for our own good pleasure. Its symptoms might be career chasing, degree pursuits, etc. We want to look good in other people's eyes. Many times, the cause of people pleasing is never getting the affirmation from our parents. This doesn't mean that our parents mistreated us or did not love us and care for us - though it may. It simply means that our parents may not have been the types of parents who said things like:

  • Good job
  • I appreciate this, that, or whatever in your personality
  • I love the way you __________
God is the perfect affirming parent. Seek to please Him. His burden is light, predictable, and consistent.

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